Friday, January 24, 2014

Oatmeal & Banana Pancakes

So, I have been eating pretty healthy lately.  Although I have made a few mistakes (occasional pop being my weakness), I think I have been getting a hang of eating well! I will say, it does take extra time to pack your lunch in the morning and to make some of the food that you need to pack; but it is so worth it!  I have been allowing myself to one "whatever" meal per week and after that meal I usually don't feel all that great.  Eating well and eating good food will make a world of difference.
So, since I have been eating healthy, eggs and fruit has been my breakfast of choice for the past few weeks.  Eggs get old. Fast. Really fast! So I found this pancake recipe online and decided to give it a try - anything but eggs!

1/2 cup instant oatmeal
4 egg whites
1 really, really ripe banana, mashed
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 Tablespoons of applesauce
pinch of salt (I omitted this... kind of by accident) ha!
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 tablespoon of water, milk, or juice - I used milk

The directions are simple: Mix everything together in a bowl and cook up like a pancake!! I tried adding some frozen strawberries on the first pancake, but I was not a fan, probably because I generally do not like frozen strawberries unless they are in smoothie form!

I was a bit skeptical while I was standing there waiting for the batter to cook.  But it was worth a try! Anything but eggs. After about a 7 minute wait - these things are thick - I placed the hot pancake on my plate and dug in!

I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't all that bad!! It was actually pretty good, and a great change from eating eggs!! The only thing that I would tweak a little from last time is that I may add a bit more cinnamon or vanilla.  It was very tempting to put something on them, like syrup, just because that is the norm in eating pancakes.  So because I did not add syrup, I felt like it was lacking that extra kick!  But they were MUCH better than eggs! Ha.
I would love to hear what you think about them! Give them a try and let me know what you think!! Good luck!

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