Monday, February 25, 2013

I'm Alive!

Detox Day 1: Fruits Only
Okay, So... I have to admit... Last night as I was eating I was thinking of how hard this was going to be... I thought I would be in starvation mode.  Crawling to the fridge, barely alive and unable to walk I would press on! I WILL survive! (I was anticipating the worst)  But, to my surprise, day 1 of the detox hasn't been all that horrendous.  It was difficult when lunch rolled around and all I had to eat was fruit, but I learned that if you eat enough of it you'll eventually get full. *Key word: EVENTUALLY.

You have NO idea how much fruit I ate for breakfast this morning... Let's just say I ate my body weight in blueberries, bananas and peaches.
For lunch I had a large container of my "Wonder Soup," an apple and more peaches...
Dinner: Grapes, a banana, strawberries and dried apples (which taste like potato chips if you have some intense imagination skills). Ha.

All in all, the day went pretty fast and I'm feeling pretty good... I would not say that I have the most energy in the world, but enough to knock out some math homework (which takes quite a bit).  I have also realized that it is humanly possible to eat an entire fruit tree in one day... Just sayin'.

Btw, check out my detox page if you want to learn more about the 7 day plan!

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